Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants

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What is graduate school like at Caltech and how does the admission process work?

Graduate programs in research-intensive institutions like Caltech provide some classroom education, but the majority of the experience is centered around learning through working on an open-ended problem, with the goal of developing the ability to independently formulate and carry out a research program. Graduate students spend the majority of their time in small research groups or individually working with faculty advisors.

Admission to Caltech graduate study is highly competitive. The faculty review all the materials in the application to make a decision; they evaluate many factors including academic preparation, experience and research interests, recommendations from teachers/mentors, and they look for a match between faculty and an applicant's research interests.

Where can I find the application deadlines?

The application deadlines vary by department and range from December 1 to December 15. Please refer to our Application Deadlines document. Applications received after the posted deadline may be considered, but late applicants may be at a disadvantage in terms of being admitted and/or in the allocation of financial aid. Caltech conducts admissions once each year and applicants are considered for admission to the fall term only.

Does Caltech have rolling admissions?

Caltech admits students for the fall term only. Applications are not considered for the winter, spring and summer terms.

When can I expect to receive an admission decision?

Each academic option has a different schedule for considering applications and offers of admission will be made as the faculty make decisions on individual applications. Applicants may be notified at any time in the period between the deadline for submission and April 1. Offers are made as soon as possible so that students will have a chance to consider graduate study at Caltech together with opportunities at other institutions.

Will I be interviewed or have a chance to visit Caltech?

Most academic options host visit days in order for select applicants to learn more about the program, the campus, and community prior to making their decision. The arrangements and schedule for visit days are set by the individual options, and each option will work with selected applicants and faculty to coordinate visits. When in person visits are not feasible, online interviews may also be conducted.

Is there a separate application for financial aid?

In general, most graduate students at Caltech receive full funding for their graduate education. In fact, all doctoral students have full financial support in the form of internal or external fellowships, research assistantships, teaching assistantships, or some combination of fellowship and assistantship support. Most of the funding sources require work authorization. As a consequence, matriculation into the PhD program requires evidence of work authorization, unless special compensation can be arranged with the admitting option. In most cases financial assistance is awarded on an annual basis and is dependent upon satisfactory academic progress. A separate application for requesting financial aid is not required.

For additional questions or assistance related to financial aid, please contact the Graduate Studies Office.

Inquiries regarding loans should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid.

What type of financial support is available?

On average, more than 98% of graduate students offered admission at Caltech are offered a package of merit-based financial support that pays all tuition charges and provides them with a stipend. The only major exception is the case of students in terminal master's programs, who in many cases are self-supported or who have a financial sponsor. These students should refer to the information on financing a graduate education.

Financial support includes research and teaching assistantships, Institute fellowships, and external fellowships. Most of the funding sources require work authorization. As a consequence, matriculation into the PhD program requires evidence of work authorization, unless special compensation can be arranged with the admitting option. For additional information on the various funding sources, please refer to Financial Support.

Do I need to take the GRE exam?

GRE policies differ substantially among the various graduate programs, and therefore applicants must review the GRE policy for their specific graduate program.

What is the minimum GPA?

Caltech does not have a minimum GPA requirement. However, most successful applicants have a US GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale and/or are in the top 5 to 10% of their class.

Are international students required to report a GPA?

GPA's should only be reported for those schools attended within the United States. International GPA's or rankings should not be converted to the standard US grade point average.

Do I need to take an English proficiency exam (i.e., TOEFL, PTE, IELTS)?

Applicants are expected to read, write and speak English and comprehend the spoken language. Although not required for admission, for applicants whose native language is not English or who have not received a degree from a university or college where English is the primary language of instruction, it is important to demonstrate a strong capability in English. Caltech recognizes TOEFL scores from the Educational Testing Service (ETS), Pearson PTE, IELTS, and other services that provide a certified English-language proficiency examination such as Duolingo. Applicants may self-report scores on the application or arrange for the results of these tests to be sent directly to Caltech. Caltech's institution code is 4034.

The following exemptions apply:

All international applicants admitted for graduate study who have not graduated from a university where the primary language of instruction is English will be evaluated for English proficiency prior to the start of the academic year. Students may be required to take one of the English as a Second Language courses if additional instruction is deemed necessary.

What is the minimum English proficiency score?

There is no minimum requirement for the English proficiency exams. However, all new students who have had limited instruction in English will participate in a one-on-one English evaluation with the ESL instructor during Orientation and may be asked to enroll in an English as a Second Language (ESL) course.

How many letters of recommendation are required?

Three letters of recommendation are required.

Does it help to submit additional letters of recommendation?

The online application currently accepts three letters maximum, so keep in mind that it's important to submit three strong letters from individuals most familiar with you.

From whom should I request letters of recommendation?

Letters should be requested from those individuals who know you best and can attest to your academic capabilities or training. While faculty members and research supervisors can provide the strongest academic recommendations, we recognize that some applicants may also have work experience that relates to their abilities and training. Keep in mind that those individuals writing recommendation letters should be able to address the following information:

I understand that electronic recommendations are preferred, but can my referee(s) submit a paper recommendations instead?

Yes, individuals unable to submit materials electronically may send materials to:

Graduate Studies Office, Mail Code 230-87, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E. California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91125; or Email

Be sure that the applicant's name is clearly indicated on any supporting documents not submitted with the application.

How will Caltech evaluate grades due to disruptions caused by COVID-19?

The Graduate Admissions Committees recognize that applicants enrolled during the spring term 2020 and beyond may pursue pass/fail or other non-standard grading options, and applicants will not be asked to notate or document these changes to the grading system on submitted transcripts.

My grades will not be posted for the most recent term prior to the application deadline. Should I wait to submit my transcripts or upload my transcripts to date?

The most recent transcripts available should be uploaded with the application form. Grade reports for additional terms are not needed for application purposes and once the application is submitted, you will not be able to submit updated transcripts. Official, sealed transcripts documenting attendance and all degrees conferred at each college or university will be required for admitted students prior to enrollment.

Do I need to submit official transcripts?

For the purpose of applying, unofficial and scanned copies of an original transcript or university generated web printouts are accepted. Please note, however, that any electronic submissions must be unofficial records from the university or college attended. Hand-typed listings of courses prepared by the applicant will not be considered. Official transcripts documenting attendance and the degree awarded at each college or university will be required for admitted students prior to enrollment.

How many copies of the transcript are required?

One copy of your transcript from each college or university attended is required.

What is your AI policy for personal essays?

The personal essays provide admissions committees an opportunity to learn about an applicant's background, goals and aspirations. They also serve as an example of aptitude in scientific exposition. As such, these essays must be written entirely by the applicant. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to generate text for essays is not acceptable and could lead to rejection of the application of rescindment of admission. The graduate program supports the AI policy developed by Caltech's Undergraduate Faculty Admissions committee, available here. We expect all applicants to adhere to the Caltech Honor Code, which states that "No member of the Caltech community shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the Caltech community."

I am interested in applying for a Master's degree, but this degree is not one of the available choices.

Very few departments admit directly for the Master of Science degree. Currently, only applicants to Aeronautics, Electrical Engineering, and Space Engineering may apply for a terminal Master's degree. All other departments admit for the PhD degree only.

I would like to apply to more than one department. Should I submit two separate applications?

Applications will not be accepted for more than one academic option per admission cycle. In reviewing your application, the admission committee of the option to which you have applied may recommend that your application be reviewed by another option. If your application is referred to another option you will not be charged any additional fees or be asked to submit a duplicate application.

How do I apply for a fee waiver?

The fee waiver request form is included as part of the online application under payment options. In order to demonstrate financial hardship, applicants requesting a fee waiver will be asked to provide earned income and expenses and explain any circumstances that impact their ability to pay the application fee. Once an application is submitted, fee waiver requests will be individually reviewed, and decisions will be sent through the online admissions system. If a fee waiver is not granted, applicants will have the opportunity to submit additional documentation for further review demonstrating financial hardship or submit payment.

Can I make changes to the application or submit additional documents after submission?

Once the application has been submitted, you will not be able to modify supporting documents, so please proofread your materials thoroughly before submission. If there is a major error in your application, please contact the Graduate Studies Office ( for instructions.

Do you have admission counselors?

Caltech does not have admissions counselors at the graduate level. Most information can be located online through the Graduate Studies Office website or the main Caltech homepage and searching by area of interest. The admissions staff cannot provide information on the likelihood of admission or how to prepare a successful application. Specific questions regarding current research or prerequisites should be directed to the department to which you are applying.