How to Send Emails Using Lightning Web Component (LWC)?

How to send email using LWC?

What are the features of Lightning Web Components to send emails?

Let's write the code for it now.



Don't forget to check out: What are Email Services In Salesforce? | The Ultimate Guide

import < LightningElement, track >from "lwc"; import sendEmailController from "@salesforce/apex/EmailClass.sendEmailController"; export default class EmailLwc extends LightningElement < toAddress = []; ccAddress = []; subject = ""; body = ""; @track files = []; wantToUploadFile = false; noEmailError = false; invalidEmails = false; toggleFileUpload() < this.wantToUploadFile = !this.wantToUploadFile; >handleUploadFinished(event) < const uploadedFiles = event.detail.files; this.files = [. this.files, . uploadedFiles]; this.wantToUploadFile = false; >handleRemove(event) < const index =; this.files.splice(index, 1); >handleToAddressChange(event) < this.toAddress = event.detail.selectedValues; >handleCcAddressChange(event) < this.ccAddress = event.detail.selectedValues; >handleSubjectChange(event) < this.subject =; >handleBodyChange(event) < this.body =; >validateEmails(emailAddressList) < let areEmailsValid; if(emailAddressList.length >1) < areEmailsValid = emailAddressList.reduce((accumulator, next) =>< const isValid = this.validateEmail(next); return accumulator && isValid; >); > else if(emailAddressList.length > 0) < areEmailsValid = this.validateEmail(emailAddressList[0]); >return areEmailsValid; > validateEmail(email) < console.log("In VE"); const res = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()s[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]))$/; console.log("res", res); return res.test(String(email).toLowerCase()); > handleReset() < this.toAddress = []; this.ccAddress = []; this.subject = ""; this.body = ""; this.files = []; this.template.querySelectorAll("c-email-input").forEach((input) =>input.reset()); > handleSendEmail() < this.noEmailError = false; this.invalidEmails = false; if (![. this.toAddress, . this.ccAddress].length >0) < this.noEmailError = true; return; >if (!this.validateEmails([. this.toAddress, . this.ccAddress])) < this.invalidEmails = true; return; >let emailDetails = < toAddress: this.toAddress, ccAddress: this.ccAddress, subject: this.subject, body: this.body >; sendEmailController(< emailDetailStr: JSON.stringify(emailDetails) >) .then(() => < console.log("Email Sent"); >) .catch((error) => < console.error("Error in sendEmailController:", error); >); > >


Check out another amazing blog by Narendra Kumar here: Aura Component Framework and Attributes | All You Need to Know


import < LightningElement, track, api >from "lwc"; import search from "@salesforce/apex/"; export default class EmailInput extends LightningElement < @track items = []; searchTerm = ""; blurTimeout; boxClass = "slds-combobox slds-dropdown-trigger slds-dropdown-trigger_click slds-has-focus"; _selectedValues = []; selectedValuesMap = new Map(); get selectedValues() < return this._selectedValues; >set selectedValues(value) < this._selectedValues = value; const selectedValuesEvent = new CustomEvent("selection", < detail: < selectedValues: this._selectedValues>>); this.dispatchEvent(selectedValuesEvent); > handleInputChange(event) < event.preventDefault(); if ( < 3) < return; >search(< searchString: >) .then((result) => < this.items = result; if (this.items.length >0) < this.boxClass = "slds-combobox slds-dropdown-trigger slds-dropdown-trigger_click slds-has-focus slds-is-open"; >>) .catch((error) => < console.error("Error:", error); >); > handleBlur() < console.log("In onBlur"); this.blurTimeout = setTimeout(() => < this.boxClass = "slds-combobox slds-dropdown-trigger slds-dropdown-trigger_click slds-has-focus"; const value = this.template.querySelector('input.input').value if (value !== undefined && value != null && value !== "") < this.selectedValuesMap.set(value, value); this.selectedValues = [. this.selectedValuesMap.keys()]; >this.template.querySelector('input.input').value = ""; >, 300); > get hasItems() < return this.items.length; >handleKeyPress(event) < if (event.keyCode === 13) < event.preventDefault(); const value = this.template.querySelector('input.input').value; if (value !== undefined && value != null && value !== "") < this.selectedValuesMap.set(value, value); this.selectedValues = [. this.selectedValuesMap.keys()]; >this.template.querySelector('input.input').value = ""; > > handleRemove(event) < const item =; this.selectedValuesMap.delete(item); this.selectedValues = [. this.selectedValuesMap.keys()]; >onSelect(event) < this.template.querySelector('input.input').value = ""; let ele = event.currentTarget; let selectedId =; let selectedValue = this.items.find((record) =>record.Id === selectedId); this.selectedValuesMap.set(selectedValue.Email, selectedValue.Name); this.selectedValues = [. this.selectedValuesMap.keys()]; let key = this.uniqueKey; const valueSelectedEvent = new CustomEvent("valueselect", < detail: < selectedId, key >>); this.dispatchEvent(valueSelectedEvent); if (this.blurTimeout) < clearTimeout(this.blurTimeout); >this.boxClass = "slds-combobox slds-dropdown-trigger slds-dropdown-trigger_click slds-has-focus"; > @api reset() < this.selectedValuesMap = new Map(); this.selectedValues = []; >@api validate() < this.template.querySelector('input').reportValidity(); const isValid = this.template.querySelector('input').checkValidity(); return isValid; >>


public with sharing class EmailClass < @AuraEnabled public static Listsearch(String searchString) < ListsearchList = new List(); try < String searchStr = '*' + searchString + '*'; String searchquery = 'FIND\'' + searchStr + '\'IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Contact(id, name, email where email != null), User(id, name, email where email != null AND isActive = true) LIMIT 10'; List searchResult = search.query(searchquery); for (List curList : searchResult) < searchList.addAll(curList); >system.debug('searchList. ' + searchList.size()); > catch (Exception e) < throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage()); >return searchList; > @AuraEnabled public static void sendEmailController(String emailDetailStr) < EmailWrapper emailDetails = (EmailWrapper) JSON.deserialize(emailDetailStr, EmailWrapper.class); Messaging.reserveSingleEmailCapacity(1); try < messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); mail.setToAddresses(emailDetails.toAddress); mail.setCcAddresses(emailDetails.ccAddress); mail.setReplyTo('[email protected]'); mail.setSenderDisplayName('Test'); mail.setSubject(emailDetails.subject); mail.setHtmlBody(emailDetails.body); mail.setEntityAttachments(emailDetails.files); Messaging.sendEmail(new List< mail >); > catch (exception e) < throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage()); >> Class EmailWrapper < public ListtoAddress; public List ccAddress; public String subject; public String body; public List files; > >