Budget Proposal Template

When presenting your budget proposal to stakeholders or potential investors, conside our Budget Presentation to outline financial projections, cost breakdowns, and investment plans, facilitating a seamless decision-making process.

This Budget Proposal provides necessary costs associated with the project [Project.Name] (the "Project") which [Sender.Company] would like to pursue. Costs for the Project have been itemized in this Budget Proposal and justification has been provided for each cost element.

Should you have any questions related to this Budget Proposal, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Project description

Project title: [Project.Name] ​

Project start date: (MM.DD.YYYY)

Target completion date: (MM.DD.YYYY)

(Provide a general overview of the Project here. What it is, and why it’s important.)

Executive Summary

In the executive summary, try to give your readers a quick run-through of all the topics they’re about to read (e.g., cost elements, terms and conditions, etc.). Doing so helps them navigate the document in a more efficient way, and with better understanding of what to expect.

The Budget Summary and Highlights

When creating a summary and highlights for the budget, try to make it more interactive by adding rich media like graphs or charts.

The proposed budget in this section should ideally be broken down based on the costs of undertaking the particular project, or should provide daily/weeklymonthly/yearly costs to undertake the assignment.

We understand that budget is a big issue for most businesses, but we’ll be covering cost elements later in the template where you can explain exactly where the money is going. However, here, try to just stick to the highlights.

Period of performance

If your project is complex, you can use project management software to lay out and track the period of performance.

The budget set forth in this Budget Proposal covers the period of performance for the project or (add a corresponding number) months of effort.

The Project is estimated to take (X) months, from (MM/DD/YYYY) to (MM/DD/YYYY). It will consist of the following phases:

Beginning phase: Setting up, preparation (2 weeks) Middle phase (2 months) End phase (1 month)

If this is an internal budget for a department or other expense, your manager may want a 12-month budget based on the company’s fiscal year. Talk to your manager or team members to see what kind of budget they prefer.

Cost elements

Cost elements are the costs of the resources that are used during an activity. Feel free to add or delete sections as needed.

For each section, you can attach links to documents (such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets) if there’s not enough space here for your needs. You can also include Gantt charts and other types of visuals to help the other party understand your Budget Proposal better.

Direct costs or labor Indirect costs Equipment and materials Travel and misc. expenses

Direct Labor

This may be referred to as the “burdened hourly rate,” which means the cost rate to the company plus any overhead, and/or general and administrative expense (G&A) markup (excluding profit).

This breakdown of direct costs or labor shows the number of payroll personnel (such as contractors, employees, and freelancers) who would be working for [Project.Name] ​.

Description of first item

Description of second item

Description of third item

Justification: (provide the rationale behind the request for these resources).

In the column for “justification,” you should provide the reason behind the request for these resources. Answers for questions like

Why are these misc. charges and labor needed for the project?

How will these help to achieve the stated goals?


Description of first item

Description of second item

Description of third item

Justification: (provide the rationale behind the request for these resources, and who would be using them).

Equipment & Materials

Description of first item

Description of second item

Description of third item

Justification: (provide the rationale behind the request for these resources).


Given the above, the total cost for the Project is estimated as follows:

Description of first item

Description of second item

Description of third item

This budget was developed by [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] with input from the broader team (add a description of the broader team that supported this estimate).

By my signature below, I hereby certify that this Budget Proposal reflects my best estimate of the true and necessary costs for the Project, and the information provided herein is accurate, complete, and current as of the date of my signature below.

If you accept this proposal, please email [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] , [Sender.Title] of [Sender.Company] , at [Sender.Email] .


Since this is a proposal template, you can choose to remove the terms and conditions. However, if needed, here are a few terms and conditions you can refer to.

Terms and Conditions

1. The Direct Cost Clause

​ [Client.Company] understands that there’s a possibility that the project may, at any time, require extra personnel, equipment, travel, materials, or labor. As such, [Sender.Company] may put in a request to approve the extra costs, while also providing justifications behind these costs. If agreed by [Client.Company] or any of its authorized personnel, they are requested to compensate [Sender.Company] for the expenses within 30 days. However, if not approved, the project may fall short or would be associated with certain risks that [Client.Company] agrees to take liability of, if they could’ve been averted with the requested extra costs.

2. Expenses for Travel

Travel expenses may be irrelevant for your budget proposal and its subsequent acceptance, but if travel is involved, it’s best to have everything outlined as far as who is responsible for what expense.

​ [Sender.Company] and their personnel will need to travel as much as is appropriate and necessary in the course of performing their responsibilities. All reasonable use of transportation, as well as other expenditures incurred by [Sender.Company] in fulfilling their responsibilities subject to the terms (in conformance with the deliverable and expectations set in the proposal and its subsequent agreement), would be compensated by [Client.Company] once expense reports and supporting documents in full compliance with [Client.Company] ’s standard practice procedures are submitted. These expenses are to be reimbursed within 7 days after submission of the expense reports and documents.

3. Costs of Equipment

“Equipment” consists of all types of machinery, as well as the projected or existing amount of time that construction materials suited for the project will be employed or modified for.

Industrial equipment expenditures will be authorized only if utilized entirely for [Project.Name] , or leasing and shipping activities undertaken by [Sender.Company] to complete the project. Machinery expenses must be calculated using genuine receipt values or, if possessed, the most recent iteration of any of the relevant costs must be used for evaluation.

4. Budget and Cost Breakdown

With respect to the modifications, the [Sender.Company] must provide

(i) a thorough analysis of the cost of completing the Advancements ("Cost Overview") no more than ten weeks before any of the financing deadline; as well as

(ii) a list of supplies and timeframe of expenditures of all expenditures envisioned by [Sender.Company] to complete these Advancements.

5. Total Project Cost

While [Sender.Company] agrees to undertake, execute, and deliver the project in a smooth and efficient manner within the request deadline (unless if both parties agree to another deadline), the [Client.Company] agrees to pay the total cost of the project in accordance with the provisions and circumstances of the agreement.

Unless otherwise specified and agreed upon by both parties, an advance 50% of the budget amount must be paid before beginning the project, and the remaining 50% must be paid once the project has been delivered. Once the project has been handed over to the client, they shall make the payment to [Sender.Company] no later than 30 days after completion and acceptance. If any delay is caused on their end, [Client.Company] shall be liable to pay a late fee of 3% of the total amount, accruing monthly, until the total amount owed is satified.

6. Supplementary Documentation

Supplementary documentation consists of ordinances, greater community data, a glossary of words, bank structures for spending categorization, pay scheme data supplied for the agency’s administrative use, as well as other relevant data.

To undertake the project, [Sender.Company] may ask [Client.Company] for supplementary documentation to understand [Client.Company] ’s industry, market, audience, customer pain points, initiatives, company structure, public image, campaign results, and other such factors.

7. Confidentiality

The reader understands and agrees that the information revealed in the document is to be treated as confidential and exclusive to [Sender.Company] . [Client.Company] and all its associates will keep it private, use it exclusively for the goals of the Project, and reveal it only to the necessary staff or contractors who have a specific need to know. Unless given explicit prior permission, [Client.Company] shall not divulge, disseminate, and otherwise expose any of the confidential information in [Sender.Company] ’s possession to any third-party entity.

To indicate your acceptance of the proposal and the subsequent agreement, please sign the space below.