Preschool classroom evaluation form

Conducting performance evaluations can improve your program. Learn important tips for using a preschool teacher evaluation form to help your staff progress towards their goals.

Last updated on June 18, 2024

How to Use a Preschool Teacher Evaluation Form

Conducting staff evaluations at your childcare center can have a positive impact on your business. Having structured conversations with staff about their performance helps everyone by highlighting strengths, outlining a clear path for improvement, and reiterating how critical each person is to the success of your program.

Using a preschool teacher evaluation form lays the groundwork for a successful performance assessment, creating a workplace culture that prioritizes feedback and professional development. In this article, we'll explore how to conduct a preschool teacher evaluation and the pros and cons of tying compensation to performance evaluations.

Download free preschool staff evaluation forms here!

The importance of a preschool staff evaluation

Staff evaluations allow each employee to understand how their own performance and goals contribute to and impact the overall goals and success of the business. Additionally, regular preschool staff evaluations help your employees feel valued and connected to their work. Your employees’ connection to their work can benefit everything from day-to-day operations to long-term employee retention.

Regular preschool staff evaluations:

How to conduct a preschool teacher evaluation

With the proper preparation and approach, you can make evaluation season a time that your preschool teachers look forward to. Use this time to review each staff member’s progress and achievements, and also allow staff the opportunity to thoroughly express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their role and work environment.

With brightwheel's childcare forms you can easily create custom fillable PDFs and forms directly in brightwheel and share them with staff to complete. View form status, approve, or request changes in one central dashboard, saving you time and keeping your forms organized.

Keep these best practices in mind as you conduct your preschool teacher evaluations:

Conduct daycare staff evaluations annually or bi-annually

Staff evaluations are often called “annual reviews” because many companies do them once per year at the same time. Childcare centers can aim to evaluate staff formally at least once a year, however it may also be appropriate to conduct less formal check-ins every quarter or at the end of every session.

Keep in mind that there may be legal regulations determining how often you have to evaluate your facility and staff that are set by your state or country. For example, the state of Pennsylvania specifies that the director of a childcare center must provide a written evaluation for staff members once per year at minimum. Follow regulations, but consider adding in more evaluations if you are only required to assess annually or semi-annually.

Whatever frequency you decide, it is important to schedule your preschool teacher evaluations in advance so that your staff has ample time to prepare. Your formal performance evaluation period can happen at the same time each year so your employees know when to expect them.

However, you don't need to wait for a formal evaluation to pull out a preschool teacher evaluation form. Since these forms outline expectations for workplace performance and action plans to achieve goals, you can and should revisit evaluations regularly to track progress towards those goals.

Throughout the year, keep detailed notes on your staff’s achievements, strengths, and areas for growth to ensure you are prepared when evaluation time comes around. Reference the goals from previous evaluations and note specific areas where employees continue to excel and any areas where you’ve seen improvement or progress.

Make your evaluation forms readily accessible to your staff. Encourage them to use their past evaluations as they monitor their own professional development goals.

Keep an open line of communication between you, your staff, and families with a communication app like brightwheel. Give staff an easy tool to message parents directly and foster a sense of community in your program by messaging staff individually or as a team and answering questions instantly.

Woman sitting and writing in a notebook.
Use a comprehensive preschool teacher evaluation form

It's important that your staff evaluations cover all responsibilities of a staff member's role. Think about each of the areas you might refer to in a job description and make a section on your preschool teacher evaluation form for questions about each of them.

Download free preschool staff evaluation forms here!

For example, your staff evaluation form might include the below sections:

Ask your staff for feedback on the forms you create and incorporate their suggestions. Although it will make your evaluation process more time-consuming, discussing the whole range of an employee's work keeps you focused on your center's gold standard of performance. A teacher is responsible for a variety of tasks and using a thorough evaluation form allows you to account for their strengths and areas for improvement in each section.

Using a comprehensive preschool teacher evaluation form also ensures that you're providing a fair and consistent evaluation of your staff and their work. Your staff needs to know exactly what is expected from them and how they’ll be assessed on it during a preschool staff evaluation. Determine the rating scale you will use and make sure employees clearly understand what each rating means. For example, you could rate employees’ performance in each specific category on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 corresponding to “never or almost never meets expectations” and 5 corresponding to “always or almost always meets expectations”.

Require staff to complete a self-evaluation

Performance review experts at Lattice pinpoint self-evaluations as a key part of any feedback cycle. They “help employees internalize what they are good at and how they can improve, . [and] show not only how open the employee is to change and growth, but how much they understand about their own performance.”

From an employee's perspective, self-evaluations provide valuable time to reflect on their performance. In the early childhood education field, there is no shortage of things to do every day. Carving out space for self-evaluation supports your employees’ professional development.

From a management perspective, self-evaluations can provide valuable insight on an employee’s work habits and perspective. It also allows employees to feel more engaged in the performance review process by identifying any areas where they’d like to improve and giving feedback on company culture.

Ask about all of the same things as your preschool teacher evaluation forms. Use the same rating scale so employees can accurately assess their own performance and encourage them to be as honest as possible. Empower employees by asking them to identify their greatest strengths and stress that it will not be seen as bragging. In addition, ask employees to describe their biggest opportunities for improvement and emphasize that this part of the self-evaluation will be used to come up with goals and learning opportunities, free of negative judgment.

To use self-evaluations effectively, compare them to manager assessments. Any discrepancies can reveal blind spots for staff and managers that provide a valuable opportunity to sync.

If a staff member feels they're not performing well in an area you think they are, that can be a great time to boost confidence and empower staff. If you feel they're underperforming and they feel they're doing well, you can take the opportunity to go over their routines and approaches to see where problems may lie.

Gather performance feedback from other team members

Peer feedback, also referred to as a 360-degree performance review, is an effective way to get feedback for staff members on larger teams, such as those with four members or more. Collaboration and other interpersonal skills are vital to successful teams. A 360 review offers a holistic approach to assessing staff performance. Use peer feedback in conjunction with a supervisor’s performance evaluation for best results.

Here are a few considerations when conducting a 360-degree performance review:

The purpose of a 360 review is to offer a well-rounded perspective. For example, as a director, you may observe a staff member’s organization, timeliness, and teamwork, while fellow staff members will be able to assess their collaboration style, how they interact with families, and their willingness to help others.

Additionally, multiple reviews eliminate bias. If one person says this staff member is non-collaborative but three other reviews rave about their helpfulness, you can place more weight on the latter.

Pros and cons of tying compensation to performance evaluations

It can be beneficial to both you and your staff members to connect compensation discussions to performance evaluations, but there are various factors to consider.


The benefits of tying compensation to performance evaluations can include:


Depending on what makes the most sense for your business, you may decide to evaluate the idea of keeping compensation conversations separate from performance reviews.

The disadvantages of attaching compensation to performance can include:

Reviewing these options as they apply to your own business and individual staff members can help you to decide whether or not this performance evaluation structure is right for you.

Implement preschool staff evaluations to meet and exceed your goals

Every owner or manager of a childcare center wants to make their workplace the best it can be for the children in their care and for their employees—which is easier said than done.

Conducting staff evaluations is one of the best ways to show your staff that you are invested in their professional development and value their impact on your business. Using a tool like a preschool teacher evaluation form is a great way to track each staff members’ unique strengths and contributions towards meeting and exceeding your childcare center's goals.

Brightwheel is the complete solution for early education providers, enabling you to streamline your center’s operations and build a stand-out reputation. Brightwheel connects the most critical aspects of running your center—including sign in and out, parent communications, tuition billing, and licensing and compliance—in one easy-to-use tool, along with providing best-in-class customer support and coaching. Brightwheel is trusted by thousands of early education centers and millions of parents. Learn more at